Stageplaats Management Trainee Front Office 4 sterren hotel at Putrajaya Lakeside – Maleisie
Stage in HBO , in Hospitality , in Toerisme Email deze vacatureVacature details
Job ID 2120
Erkend Nee
Huidige niveau Student
Ervaring 1-2 jaar
Opleiding HBO
Stage omschrijving
1. Assists the Front Office Manager in supervising, organizing, directing and coordinating the staff and activities of the Front Office
2. Responsible for the daily operation of the department ensuring the smooth and efficiently operation of all areas under supervision in the absence of Front Office Manager.
3. Represents the management in handling all guests’ challenges concerning service from all areas of operation.
4. Record all challenges in logbook for Front Office Manager and General Manager’s attention and follow up.
5. Ensure that the Receptionist prepares all key and folders for daily arrival.
6. Check and ensure that all rooms / suite assigned for VIP are in order.
7. Welcome and bids farewell to all VIP and other guest.
8. Ensure that the front office, lobby area and main entrance are kept clean at all times.
9. Make hourly rounds of the hotel and all operating departments to check that all staff adheres to the hotel policies.
10. Fully responsible for all matters that may arise in the hotel in the absence of the General Manager and or other senior management staff.
11. Monitor the balance of guest accounts to ensure they are within the hotel credit limits.
12. Develop and maintain close business contact with the Houseguest and provides personalized service whenever possible.
13. Work with other members of Management team in the interest of improving standards of service, profitability of the hotel and the general working environment of all associates.
14. Responsible of all daily operation of the department ensuring the smooth and efficient operation of all areas supervision in the absence of Front Office Manager.
15. Ensure all arrival and departure of guest are according to reservation and arrangement
16. Perform duties of other sections as and when required. To be multi-skilled.
17. Perform shift duties of a Duty Manager as and when required
18. Report daily to FOM on the operation of the hotel and the department.
19. Public Relation – Assist when there are any specific events held within hotel.
20. Sales – to have thought knowledge of the Pullman Putrajaya Lakeside and the services.
21. To be aware of all external Sales Promotions
22. To provide High level and quality of services to guests.
23. To provide general information on the State of Putrajaya and the Pullman Putrajaya Lakeside to guest.
24. To participate in guest functions such as General Manager’s cocktails as when required.
25. To be continually available in the lobby area. The lobby area must not be left unmanned.
26. Provide appropriate statistical and daily arrival information.
27. Ensure equable and efficient operation of the telephone department, concierge, front desk and reservation.
28. To submit and conduct front office training according to areas of responsibilities and as or delegated by the Front Office Manager from time to time.
29. To submit monthly report of front office to Front Office Manager.
30. To coordinate group duties when such duties are delegated / pre – assigned.
31. Responsible for the effective control and maintenance of room inventory so as to maximize room sales and occupancy.
32. To patrol front, back and the hotel ground daily. A record of any discrepancies noted during the round is to be action immediately.
33. To ensure that maximum guest security prevails at all time.
34. To ensure that the public area is well kept and clean at all time.
35. To ensure effective communication with the front office and also with all other operating departments in the interest of improving the standard of service, the profitability of the hotel and general working environment for all members of the staff.
36. Work closely with all the Hotel policies for a high quality of professionalism rendered as a hotelier representing Pullman Putrajaya Lakeside.
37. Maintain a high level of communication with other subordinates within the department.
38. Recommend improvement in the hotel operation where he / she sees opportunities for improving services, increasing revenue, increasing the betterment in associate’s welfare and guest satisfaction.
39. Coordinate and follow up with Front Office Personnel and Finance on vouchers, billing instruction, deposit, rebates etc to minimize bad debts, skippers, untraceable charges.
40. To ensure that we carry ourselves in the expected standard of an hotelier towards guest, outside visitor, our well-respected associates and the local community and too many facets of people patronizing our hotel.
41. The management reserves the right to amend, terminate and / or to add other job function as and when required.
Duur: Minimaal 5 maanden. Liever langer
- Meals,
- Laundry
- Lodging
- 1 year of experience
- Bachelor Degree (BA)
- Hospitality Management
- English is a must + Russian!
- Extra language is positive
Internship Conditions ASIA
PROFILE & SKILLS ( can be changed without any notice)
o fluent English essential (working language)
o another European or Asian language would be an asset
o available for a duration between 6 month to a year (minimum 6 month)
o must be adaptable and flexible (international working environment)
o must be patient, dynamic and eager to learn as well as to participate in a daily hotel life, with people who have different education and experiences background
o preferably hotel school background
o if business school background, be ready to learn hotel-related skills such as Front Office operation so able to use MS office applications
o the trainee must have a training agreement
o the trainee must hold a passport valid at least one year and arrange the student visa himself / herself
o monthly internship allowances are variable due to each hotel’s policy. It can be at minimum of USD 200.
o visa fees and work permit fee
o accommodation, meals and laundry (maximum is as per the hotel policy)
o air ticket to and from the hotel
o insurance expenses (medical, dental) as well as repatriation insurance (very important)
Interesse? Reageer direct! Stuur daarbuiten je CV (bij voorkeur aangemaakt via Europass: https://europass.cedefop.europa.eu/editors/en/cv/compose ) en motivatie brief apart naar ONS .Â
Sterrenstages verzorgt en onderhoudt de voorselectie voor deze organisatie.
Wat doen wij? Vooraf hebben wij al het bedrijf gecontroleerd om te zien of deze aan de kwaliteit voldoet welke wij minimaal van een bedrijf verlangen. Wij bekijken jouw CV en motivatie. Â Tijdens een gesprek behandelen wij jouw cv, motivatie en reeds opgedane werkervaringen.
Op basis van dit alles kijken wij of je geschikt bent voor de baan en de organisatie. Wij presenteren jouw gegevens aan het bedrijf en wanneer zij akkoord gaan kan je alles gaan regelen voor deze onvergetelijke baan.
Wij blijven beschikbaar voor advies, vragen etc.
Voor je cv/motivatie aanpassingen, presentatie, advies vragen wij een bescheiden bijdrage van 99 euro. Deze hoeft pas betaald te worden indien het bedrijf akkoord gaat met jou als hun nieuwe werknemer.
Als het bedrijf een gesprek met jou wenst dan vragen wij op voorhand het bedrag.
Als het bedrijf alsnog niet akkoord gaat met jouw sollicitatie, storten wij het bedrag retour of na overleg leggen wij jou bij een ander bedrijf voor.
Wij reageren binnen 24 uur op jouw reactie. Indien nog niks ontvangen dan is onze e-mail misschien in je spam terecht gekomen.
Zorg ervoor dat je onze emails ontvangt. Voeg daarom info@sterrenstages.nl en kantoor@sterrenstages.nl toe aan je adressen/contactpersonen.
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