Stageplaats Management Trainee F & B 4sterren Hotel in Putrajaya Lakeside – Maleisie
Stage in Business Development , in HBO , in Hospitality Email deze vacatureVacature details
Job ID 2119
Erkend Nee
Huidige niveau Student
Ervaring 1-2 jaar
Stage omschrijving
• To reflect the Pullman lakeside Putrajaya highest quality of friendly service to our customer. The Service Manager is to lead by example, always adopting a positive attitude to keep team spirit at its highest.
• To greet with a smile all the time colleagues or guests anywhere in the hotel (front or back of the house).
• To remain confidential about all matters of such nature.
• To implement service standards and procedures to ensure that they are achieved and followed by proper training, supervision and control.
• To rotate and schedule all staff in order to provide full coverage for efficient service and to maximize productivity.
• To maintain an effective orientation and training program for all new staff and to constantly train team members to maintain the specified standard of service.
• To motivate, educate and develop staff on a continuous basis to achieve an overall maximum of efficiency and confidence.
• To recover guest complaints, if any take remedial action immediately.
• To ensure that all guests are greeted and seated courteously without delay at a properly set and clean table.
• To ensure that all guests are served promptly.
• To check on the mise-en-place daily.
• To check on guest satisfaction by talking to the guest.
• To stress the importance of personal cleanliness, grooming and that the staff do not deviate from the prescribed uniform.
• To be constantly on the look-out for ways and means to improve the smooth running of the restaurant.
• To work closely with the Chef in charge of the Kitchen on menus and new creations.
• To co-ordinate with the Chief Steward and bar service for the back-up services.
• We expect your outlet to be very busy due to high turnover which means most house guests and a lot of local guests will patronize this outlet. Therefore it is important that everything possible be done to give our guests a good impression of our hotel by making sure that food, service and all other facilities are of high quality.
• The cleanliness, tidiness and orderliness of the outlet are of utmost importance. Thus, a checklist has to be kept at all areas are inspected and faults corrected soonest possible, i.e. lighting, in-door plants, walls, cushions, tables and stations. Furthermore, chinaware, glassware, silverware and napkins have to be checked constantly to maintain the standard required.
Guest Relation
• To promote good relationship with regular guests. To handle any guest complaint effectively and diplomatically.
• Empowerment to make decisions in order to resolve any guest complaint effectively and diplomatically and report direct to Banquet Manager and the said complaint is recorded in log book.
Sales and Revenue
• To maximize sales and revenues by providing good service and training his staff to up-sell.
• To capitalize on activities in the hotel and in the community, holidays and events that would bring in extra customers.
• To introduce mechanism plan and promotions to the Outlet Manager/Director of F&B/Asst Director of F&B to increase sales.
Cost Control
• To control the Food and Beverage cost of the outlet by implementing strict portion control to prevent any wastage or pilferage.
• To control the labor cost by proper sales forecasting and scheduling to minimize wastage of manpower.
• To exercise his control cut down of chinaware and glassware.
• To ensure that all furniture, equipment, utensils and silverware under his charge are accounted for, properly handled regularly serviced and maintained to prevent excessive wear and tear.
• To attend the daily F&B morning briefing.
• To attend monthly F&B meeting and service meetings.
• To conduct daily briefing to ensure that all information is disseminate down the line.
• To be responsible for a daily report in the form of a log book compiled for all shifts.
• To post all current information and standing instructions on the bulletin board.
• To write down all food items not available or seasonal food available on the board for staff’s reference.
• To communicate and present a positive attitude to provide leadership to all staff all times in order to attain all desired goals.
Standard of Performance
• Training session to be carried out on a weekly basis with Team Leaders, Service Associates and Service Leaders.
• To ensure that daily training is carried out for all rank and file staff.
• Standard checklist for orientation program of staff.
• Training program for individual jobs.
• Re-training once every three months.
• To maintain a checklist for daily inspection.
• He is employed in the Food and Beverage Department and as such he may be assigned to any area that the management deems suitable and necessary.
Human Resources
• Reviews and updates all department service position descriptions and performance standards with the Assistant Director of Food and Beverage/Director of Food
Duur: Minimaal 5 maanden
- Meals,
- Llaundry
- Lodging
- 1 year of experience
- Bachelor Degree (BA)
- Hospitality Management
- English is a must
- Extra language is positive
Internship Conditions Asia
PROFILE & SKILLS ( can be changed over time)
o fluent English essential (working language)
o another European or Asian language would be an asset
o available for a duration between 5 month to a year (minimum 5 month)
o must be adaptable and flexible (international working environment)
o must be patient, dynamic and eager to learn as well as to participate in a daily hotel life, with people who have different education and experiences background
o preferably hotel school background
o if business school background, be ready to learn hotel-related skills such as Front Office operation so able to use MS office applications
o the trainee must have a training agreement
o the trainee must hold a passport valid at least one year and arrange the student visa himself / herself
o monthly internship allowances are variable due to each hotel’s policy. It can be at minimum of USD 200.
o visa fees and work permit fee
o accommodation, meals and laundry (maximum is as per the hotel policy)
o air ticket to and from the hotel
o insurance expenses (medical, dental) as well as repatriation insurance (very important)
Interesse? Reageer direct! Stuur daarbuiten je CV (bij voorkeur aangemaakt via Europass: https://europass.cedefop.europa.eu/editors/en/cv/compose ) en motivatie brief apart naar ONS .Â
Sterrenstages verzorgt en onderhoudt de voorselectie voor deze organisatie.
Wat doen wij? Vooraf hebben wij al het bedrijf gecontroleerd om te zien of deze aan de kwaliteit voldoet welke wij minimaal van een bedrijf verlangen. Wij bekijken jouw CV en motivatie. Â Tijdens een gesprek behandelen wij jouw cv, motivatie en reeds opgedane werkervaringen.
Op basis van dit alles kijken wij of je geschikt bent voor de baan en de organisatie. Wij presenteren jouw gegevens aan het bedrijf en wanneer zij akkoord gaan kan je alles gaan regelen voor deze onvergetelijke baan.
Wij blijven beschikbaar voor advies, vragen etc.
Voor je cv/motivatie aanpassingen, presentatie, advies vragen wij een bescheiden bijdrage van 99 euro. Deze hoeft pas betaald te worden indien het bedrijf akkoord gaat met jou als hun nieuwe werknemer.
Als het bedrijf een gesprek met jou wenst dan vragen wij op voorhand het bedrag.
Als het bedrijf alsnog niet akkoord gaat met jouw sollicitatie, storten wij het bedrag retour of na overleg leggen wij jou bij een ander bedrijf voor.
Wij reageren binnen 24 uur op jouw reactie. Indien nog niks ontvangen dan is onze e-mail misschien in je spam terecht gekomen.
Zorg ervoor dat je onze emails ontvangt. Voeg daarom info@sterrenstages.nl en kantoor@sterrenstages.nl toe aan je adressen/contactpersonen.
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